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Microsoft & Novell: Building Bridges
The Open Source Cluster held a meeting to hear from Microsoft and Novell about their agreement in November of 2006, and the subsequent events. John Palfrey, Executive Director of the Berkman Center at Harvard Law School moderated a panel that included people who worked on the original deal.
Size: 42.7MB, Length: 1:33:25, Recorded: September 26, 2007
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Summit 2007 (Part 1): Welcome
The Cluster held an "Open Source Summit" June 19, 2007, at Microsoft in Waltham, MA. The meeting had five parts: Part 1 is an introduction by Bob Zurek with a welcome from Microsoft's Ted MacLean. Part 2 is a panel of lawyers talking about GPLv3 and what it tells us about the state of OSS. Part 3 is a panel talking about Open Source Strategies, including Iona, RedHat, Novell, IBM, and Microsoft. Part 4 is a Lightning Round with 6-minute presentations. Part 5 is the keynote about the One Laptop Per Child project (also available as video). The meeting was sponsored by Choate, Hall & Stewart, and IBM.
Size: 4.8MB, Length: 10:27, Recorded: June 19, 2007
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Summit 2007 (Part 2): GPLv3
The Cluster held an "Open Source Summit" June 19, 2007, at Microsoft in Waltham, MA. The meeting had five parts: Part 1 is an introduction by Bob Zurek with a welcome from Microsoft's Ted MacLean. Part 2 is a panel of lawyers talking about GPLv3 and what it tells us about the state of OSS. Part 3 is a panel talking about Open Source Strategies, including Iona, RedHat, Novell, IBM, and Microsoft. Part 4 is a Lightning Round with 6-minute presentations. Part 5 is the keynote about the One Laptop Per Child project (also available as video). The meeting was sponsored by Choate, Hall & Stewart, and IBM.
Size: 17.9MB, Length: 39:09, Recorded: June 19, 2007
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Summit 2007 (Part 3): Open Source Strategies
The Cluster held an "Open Source Summit" June 19, 2007, at Microsoft in Waltham, MA. The meeting had five parts: Part 1 is an introduction by Bob Zurek with a welcome from Microsoft's Ted MacLean. Part 2 is a panel of lawyers talking about GPLv3 and what it tells us about the state of OSS. Part 3 is a panel talking about Open Source Strategies, including Iona, RedHat, Novell, IBM, and Microsoft. Part 4 is a Lightning Round with 6-minute presentations. Part 5 is the keynote about the One Laptop Per Child project (also available as video). The meeting was sponsored by Choate, Hall & Stewart, and IBM.
Size: 21.9MB, Length: 48:02, Recorded: June 19, 2007
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Summit 2007 (Part 4): Lightning Round
The Cluster held an "Open Source Summit" June 19, 2007, at Microsoft in Waltham, MA. The meeting had five parts: Part 1 is an introduction by Bob Zurek with a welcome from Microsoft's Ted MacLean. Part 2 is a panel of lawyers talking about GPLv3 and what it tells us about the state of OSS. Part 3 is a panel talking about Open Source Strategies, including Iona, RedHat, Novell, IBM, and Microsoft. Part 4 is a Lightning Round with 6-minute presentations. Part 5 is the keynote about the One Laptop Per Child project (also available as video). The meeting was sponsored by Choate, Hall & Stewart, and IBM.
Size: 34.1MB, Length: 1:14:38, Recorded: June 19, 2007
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Summit 2007 (Part 5): OLPC
The Cluster held an "Open Source Summit" June 19, 2007, at Microsoft in Waltham, MA. The meeting had five parts: Part 1 is an introduction by Bob Zurek with a welcome from Microsoft's Ted MacLean. Part 2 is a panel of lawyers talking about GPLv3 and what it tells us about the state of OSS. Part 3 is a panel talking about Open Source Strategies, including Iona, RedHat, Novell, IBM, and Microsoft. Part 4 is a Lightning Round with 6-minute presentations. Part 5 is the keynote about the One Laptop Per Child project (also available as video). The meeting was sponsored by Choate, Hall & Stewart, and IBM.
Size: 31.9MB, Length: 1:09:48, Recorded: June 19, 2007
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Proprietary Software Company Views 6 June 2006
The SIG held a meeting June 6, 2006, at Schwartz Communications in Waltham, MA. Panelists were: Bob Sutor, Vice President of Open Source & Standards, IBM; Karen Tegan Padir, Vice President, Enterprise Java Platforms, Sun Microsystems, Inc.; and Omar Tazi, Chief Open Source Evangelist, Middleware and Tools, Oracle Corporation. Bob Zurek and Dan Bricklin moderated. A summary at the end was made by Karen Copenhaver. The meeting was sponsored by Choate, Hall & Stewart.
Size: 55.6MB, Length: 2:01:28, Recorded: June 6, 2006
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Open Source and the Enterprise - Part 1
The SIG held a meeting December 1, 2005, at PTC's Visitor Center. The meeting had two parts. The first was a presentation by Nicholas Gall, VP and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner Research. He talked about OSS, the current state, and trends. It was a preview of a talk to be given at Gartner's Summit the following week. The second part covered user experiences, with presentations by Julie Atkins, Director of IT Operations and Info Security of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, and Michael Askew and Charles Pickelhaupt of Fidelity Investments' Center for Applied Technology. In both cases there were very lively give and take with the 30-40 people in the audience.
This is the first part with Nick Gall of Gartner.
Size: 34.2MB, Length: 1:14:48, Recorded: December 1, 2005
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Open Source and the Enterprise - Part 2
The SIG held a meeting December 1, 2005, at PTC's Visitor Center. The meeting had two parts. The first was a presentation by Nicholas Gall, VP and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner Research. He talked about OSS, the current state, and trends. It was a preview of a talk to be given at Gartner's Summit the following week. The second part covered user experiences, with presentations by Julie Atkins, Director of IT Operations and Info Security of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, and Michael Askew and Charles Pickelhaupt of Fidelity Investments' Center for Applied Technology. In both cases there were very lively give and take with the 30-40 people in the audience.
This is the second part.
Size: 30.2MB, Length: 1:06:06, Recorded: December 1, 2005
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Open Formats meeting with Massachusetts officials
On Friday, September 16, 2005, a meeting was held by the Mass Technology Leadership Council (an organization formed by a combination of the Massachusetts Software Council and the New England Business and Technology Association). The purpose of the meeting was to give feedback to the State of Massachusetts government on the latest draft iteration of their Enterprise Technical Reference Model, specifically the section on document formats.
In attendance were Massachusetts Secretary of Administration and Finance Eric Kriss and CIO of the Commonwealth Peter Quinn, as well as representatives from a wide variety of Council member software companies.
The meeting was recorded in its entirety by the Council. While this isn't explicitly a SIG meeting, it is probably of interest to similar people.
Size: 53.2MB, Length: 1:56:16, Recorded: September 16, 2005
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Recording of the meeting's luncheon keynote
This is a talk (with discussion) by Marc Fleury, JBoss Group Chairman and CEO. Marc is known to be outspoken and he was. We were back in our original room, eating a bagged lunch that was provided as part of admission.
Size: 28MB, Length: 1:01:18, Recorded: 2005-06-24
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Recording of the third part of the June 24, 2005 meeting
This is the "Open Source Technical Discussion" session with Novell's Nat Friedman and Miguel de Icaza. If you are interested in starting an Open Source project, or understanding how one is organized, this should be very helpful.
Size: 24.4MB, Length: 53:18, Recorded: 2005-06-24
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Recording of the second part of the June 24, 2005 meeting
This is the "Open Source Business Models and Strategies" session with representatives from IBM, JasperSoft, Optaros, Iona, and RedHat.
Size: 26.9MB, Length: 58:57, Recorded: 2005-06-24
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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Recording of First Part of the June 24, 2005 Kickoff Meeting
This is the "Software Licensing" session with Karen Copenhaver and Ira Heffan. It also has 5-10 minutes of introduction to the entire meeting.
Size: 31.2MB, Length: 1:08:19, Recorded: 2005-06-24
MP3 URL (subject to change):
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